killing time...

missybabble "tagged" me for a a week ago...i don't get real personal here generally...except for the art :) but what the hell...we're all exhibitionists on the internetZ right :)

7 random things about me:
1. i lost around 90 lbs. my freshman year of college (maximum density was ~230 lbs.)
2. i will only be 40 years old when my kid is a legal adult.
3. i have social anxiety outside of the internetz, though my smile and laughter are my defense mechanisms.
4. random people on the street, baristas, cashiers, ets. like to tell me their life smile is apparently inviting too...
5. i'm a slob...i can NOT create my own system of organization, but i can work pretty well within one created for me.
6. i got married on friday the 13th so my anniversary would be on friday the 13th instead of the same month/date scenario every year.
7. my husband and i are rebuilding the house we bought 2 years ago from the studs and slab out...and we're still very happily together :)


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