happy birthday!

13 years ago i gave birth to an amazing son. i am loving parenting and letting him grow in to an amazing young man.

he has a 4.0GPA
he is very intelligent
he is learning to play electric guitar
he has played violin for nearly 2 years
he loves to play basketball
he is not aggressive nor risk taker which makes his love of playing basketball perhaps greater than his skill
he is kind and funny
he is a master negotiator
he is extroverted and i would venture to say he's popular
(having no idea what that's like personally, it's really only a guess) :)
he is a brown belt in tae kwon do
he is a division II and B level swimmer
he is an expert at guitar here and likes to play video games
he loves to read and when he's on a roll he'll read a book in 2 days and up to 4 books in a week
he is really getting into music - green day, the ramones, the beatles, nirvana...
he needs a lot of external motivation but when he gets it he meets every expectation
he's a good kid and my husband and i are lucky to have him


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