pheonix gallery

the owner is pretty full on 2D work... but she agreed to meet with me today anyway. I'm hoping to knock her socks off with my work so she will WANT to find a place to put it! :)

otherwise my day job went filter crazy on the Internet and house renovations and recessionary times leave us without home Internet...

so that's why posting has been limited to the dismay I'm sure of my 5 readers :)

have a great weekend!

if you're in the Lawrence area there is a show tonight you should check out - ebony and ivory - I'll post the flier next. I think there is also a photo sow opening at the pig. and of course there's the jr. high valentines dance if you're 12-15 y/o :)

we're not chaperoning this one but our son's GF can't go due to family stuff :-/ but we picked up a skittles heart for him to give her today. just a token gift - they are only 13 :)

so yeah have a spooky Friday the 13th (I got married last Friday the 13th) :) and a happy valentines day... or vice versa!

Posted by ShoZu


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